Do you work in or close to Berlin?
Do you have questions about:
We kindly ask you to make an appointment.
polski, deutsch, english, русский
tel.: (030) 513 01 92 79
e-mail: fijarczyk(at)
consultation hours on site: Wednesday 9-15; Thursday 8.30-15
româna, moldauisch, русский, deutsch, english
tel.: (030) 513 01 92 78
e-mail: lopata(at)
consultation hours on site: Monday 10-13; Wednesday 12-13 and 15-18; Thursday 10-13
ελληνικά, deutsch, english, français
tel.: (030) 513 01 92 68
e-mail: lampropoulou(at)
consultation hours on site: Monday: 13-18; Tuesday 14-18
български, deutsch, english, русский
tel.: (030) 513 01 92 67
e-mail: lazarova(at)
consultation hours on site: Tuesday 8:30-11; Thursday 13-17; Friday 9-12
Advisory services on employment and labour rights for refugees from Ukraine by the project "Hidna Pratsya":
українська, русский, english, deutsch
tel.: (030) 513 01 92 71
e-mail: hidnapratsya(at)
consultation hours on site: Tuesday 14.30-17; Wednesday 10-16:30
româna, moldauisch, русский, deutsch, english
tel.: (030) 513 01 92 78
e-mail: lopata(at)
consultation hours on site: Thursday 10-13
Our service is anonymous and independent of the country you come from or your residence status. It is free of charge and in many languages.