
Protect labour standards, prevent labour exploitation

We want to protect the labour rights of migrants and general labour standards. That is why we train migrants and people who work with migrants (multipliers) on the basics of labour law.

We organise training courses on request in cooperation with various institutions, such as migration advice centres, district projects, shared accommodation, providers of German courses and job coaching.


Training courses for migrants

During the training, we provide information in simple language on labour rights in Germany, for example:

We also offer training on the following topics as required:

Training for multipliers

Contents of the training include:

On request, we are happy to address specific topics in particular, such as maternity protection regulations, protection against dismissal and the process of a labour court case.

The time frame and specific content can be agreed in advance.

Are you interested in a training course for a group of migrants that you look after or for your team? Please get in touch with us!


Sophie Iwanowski
Telefon: (030) 5130 192 74

Anastasiia Maksymova, Ukrainian training courses für Ukrainians
Telefon: (030) 5130 192 87

Advisory services on employment and labour rights

Advisory services on social law

Resources and publications


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